Interview – YOU

So yes, another new innovation to my blog. Have you noticed how I become innovative when I seem to have nothing to write about!

Ya, so, this time, I am going to be holding interviews… of the sort that I would, if you so wish, be mailing you a small questionnaire and I would, if you do reply, post a couple(2) of the interviews as a post [all interviews would be posted in batches of 2]. It is up-to the discretion of the person if he/she wishes to be anonymous or share their name and a link to their blog.

I was initially thinking of listing down all the bloggers who I would love to interview but then Iย realizedย it would be exceptionally long. So here is requesting EACH and EVERY one of you who have come here and who own a blog, please contact me through the Contact Me page, and let me know that I can indeed send you the questionnaire. You have a right to stay anonymous if you wish and also completely decline if you feel the need, which I assure you, you will not. Why I am doing this is because I would love to know you all better and also share a part of you with everyone and ofcourse everyone likes to be interviewed… so that’s the incentive for you. So please don’t hesitate and contact me… why I have kept this as the procedure is to have your email ids without the world knowing them.

*Note – I will not share your email id with anyone else. :p

So, now don’t think about it, just go ahead and send me a mail, and be interviewed. ๐Ÿ™‚

P.S. The great posts to read – Stupid Common Man, The connotation of the word FREE, Expressing Love.

21 thoughts on “Interview – YOU

  1. Thanks Jo for ur mail…really a nice gesture for all blogger-friends…am sorry have been pretty tied up to reply earlier..would zoooom in the reply soon ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks !

  2. A good idea .. all the best ..

    But i still think it should be you sending or asking people if they want to be interviewd Not this way ๐Ÿ™‚

    Take care nad I am sure lot of people will come …

  3. Well, well, well….lady!!! you are on a roller coaster these days…..posts are pouring in like the ‘barish’ of the ‘indian maansoon’ with so much of innovation.

    Good one!!!!I hope loads of people are gonna be interested to find space on your blog…

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