The end of the road

Yesterday night, another one of the journeys of my life came to a dead end. For reasons of which I am still in denial my relationship came to an end yesterday.

It hurts that you give someone your everything and it does not work out.

I so want to play the blame game right now and put it all on him but I need to understand that it takes two people for anything to work or fail.

To be honest I don’t even know why I am putting this out here and not in my personal diary. But whatever be the reason, I know one thing. After nearly 3 years of blogging, I am in some ways more comfortable with my readers here than maybe even my personal diary.

To all of you who came here expecting to read a post, I am sorry you had to face a rant.

Take care everyone. And though this won’t make much sense coming from someone most probably in depression, but don’t think too far ahead in life, the more elaborate plans you make, the more it hurts when they break.

9 thoughts on “The end of the road

  1. There’s this popular piece of philosophy on Facebook that says that when someone leaves your life, it’s because their role in your life is done. They were there to teach you something and now even though they’re gone, the lesson stays with you. God must have something better planned for you. Hang in there and please, please email me if you need to vent.

    1. Don’t get me wrong here, but even I told the same thing to someone a few weeks back. It just seems to stop applying when it comes to oneself, i guess. Anyway, I might just email and trouble you, so watch out.
      Thanks so much!

  2. Hey dear… I can just say all that happens ; happens for a reason. Maybe we might not know it now…maybe we will when the time will be right…. I would say we are privileged you shared this here with us ❤

    Sending hugs to you…take care!

  3. You take care of yourself and relationships come to an end because of a reason and that is it was not meant to be.. better things await you..

    I am not going to say anything other than You take care of urself and if you need to talk to someone , just email ..

    and don’t be sorry please for anything , Rather I feel honoured that you thought of sharing it with us all ..

    1. Thank you Bikramji for understanding so well and for the support. I have promised myself that I will not let this affect my health or otherwise and I plan to stick to that!

  4. I came here looking for my bff. I found her.

    I know coming from me, it’d make absolutely no sense whatsoever, but at times those advance plans do give a beacon of joy. You just go find another ok?

    I ain’t gonna let this moodiness of urs stay long. Its just not Janhvi to be that way.

    1. As of now, the only beacon of joy visible to me is that it happened now rather than later….

      And this too is another part of me… just a part that is not out so often

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