
A lot of my family members were born in the month of October. My cousin sister(12th), mom (23rd), my dad and sis (25th). This is when I haven’t counted two of my close friends who were also born on the 25th.

So, ya, a lot of Birthdays in this month.

Oh wait, did I say birthDAY, so sorry. It’s actually their birthdates. Their birthday was on the day they were born and it’s never going to come again in any year. Their birthdate, though, comes every year. And still, ALL of us, wish and get wished Happy Birthday.

This shows two things:

1. We don’t at all think consciously before wishing someone… ZERO thought goes when we utter the words/sing the song for someone, even the ones who we really feel for.

2. We are so in the loop with everyone around us that most of our actions (if not all), birthDay being just an example, are acted upon without any brain usage at all.

I say these two because if we all know that a day gone never ever comes back, 12th March 1991 (my BIRTHDAY) is never going to return; What comes every year is 12th March… the date. This shows that we have all the knowledge in our brain, we just don’t use it. Makes me believe the stat that we use only a very small portion of our brain in our life.

So, to all my relatives and friends who have their birthDATE this month, may you always be blessed and a very very Happy BirthDate to you all.

Take care all.

P.S. Don’t just forget this post once you finish reading it…. try living more consciously and next time you go ahead to wish someone, remember it’s not their birthDAY.

16 thoughts on “BirthDAYs

  1. Well i guess the love and earnest wishes behind the words matter the most..may it be in any form, language or gesture πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚
    Wishing ur parents,sisters and friends many more happy healthy and great years ahead !!
    And yea thanks for the wishes as my hubby is October born too πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€
    Cheers !!

  2. Ah!
    do we need to be that perfect? I am not the one who cares about perfect english as long as the thought is passed on….in anycase english isn’t the most perfect language…but it’s easy, and that is why i like it…
    to me it’s the love associated with the wish that matters πŸ™‚
    at least i could have said happy birthday to my daughter this yr…

    my new blog>>

    1. No, we never need to be perfect, but it’s good to be. πŸ™‚
      And ya, you are absolutely right about it, as well as about the language.

      True, the love matters most.
      And loads of love to hridhima.

  3. Yes Mam.. point noted ..

    I guess Happy birtDATES to everyone.. your mum-dad-sis-friends and all ..

    I shall genuinley try to say happy birthDAte πŸ™‚

    1. πŸ™‚
      Glad to hear that. But be prepared, a lot of people may not take this in the right spirit. After all, they have been used to say/hear Happy Birthday all their lives.

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