That Last Night

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 26; the 26th Edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. The topic for this month is ‘That Last Night’.

The topic got me thinking to write on the last nights of the girl fetus and a girl child before they are killed because of their gender.

It was but that night
I killed her, the night  when I
aborted my child.

She begged for her life
pleading to live, it was then
that her dad killed her.

The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

37 thoughts on “That Last Night

  1. Its a very sad reality. What bothers me, as you also have written in a comment earlier, is that civilized people ( at least what society considers as civilized ) indulge in such heinous acts, that too in todays age..
    Very well written..

  2. So less number of words… and so much meaning they carry.
    I wish I had the skill to do that. V nice.

  3. Really poignant theme! I am sure no civilized person will disagree with the causes the themes represent. So redundant to say I agree.

    Last nights are sad in most contexts. Your post is triggering lot of other ideas in me how this topic could have been handled (unrelated though) – a man on the night before his hanging, the goat on the night before its slaughter

    1. Am glad you agree. And though you are right in saying that civilized people will not disagree, but it is many-a-times, also such people who indulge in this. Think about it… how many poor uneducated people, can afford an abortion….

      As for the context, every person has a different perspective to look at the same thing…. no two people will see the same thing alike… that’s the beauty of it.

  4. I know of someone personally who had to abort her child ‘coz her in-laws didn’t want “another” girl child in the family. The emotional scars and guilt ran so deep within her apparently, that she just wasn’t able to hold another pregnancy through after that.

  5. I can’t find one word that can do justice with what you have said handful of words “she begged for life” really, no one hears their voice. excellent choice of words. amazing penning.

  6. Btw, since I don’t have a wordpress account, I had to comment from my facebook account.
    Anyway this is Enchanta and that is how I prefer to be known as, in the Blogosphere. 🙂

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